1. Scope of validity and application

These General Conditions (hereinafter "GTC") apply and are an integral part of each commission, proposal, supply e service between PROFESSION LUXURY Srl to sole shareholder (CF and VAT 03918660246) and the Customer (hereinafter "Customer"). They will prevail over any purchase GTC of the Customer, even in the absence of specific objection to the application of the latter. Any modification of these GTC must be made in writing under penalty of nullity and be confirmed by Profession Luxury Srl, which may indicate different specific conditions for each offer or order confirmation, which will prevail over these GCs. If one or more of the clauses contained in this Agreement is canceled or declared null or ineffective under the law, the validity of the remaining clauses will remain intact. The Customer acknowledges that he is aware of the content of these GTC, attached to the offer provided by Profession Luxury Srl.

2. Conclusion of the contract.

The sale / offer proposal formulated by Profession Luxury Srl (hereinafter "Estimate") is accompanied by all the essential elements of the contract and the services covered by it. The Profession Luxury Srl Estimate is neither binding nor binding: it will become binding once confirmed in writing. The GTC are effective and binding between the parties with the acceptance of the Estimate by the Customer.

3. Object of the contract and obligations of Profession Luxury Srl.

With the acceptance by the Customer, Profession Luxury Srl a socio unico undertakes to perform all and only the services indicated in the Estimate with the utmost diligence and in full compliance with the terms, conditions and methods of execution agreed with the Customer. Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, the choice of the technical means of execution of the services is left to the discretion of Profession Luxury Srl, which may make use of trusted auxiliaries.

4. Validity of the estimate: the estimate is valid for 30 days, after which the customer is required to ask for written confirmation of the validity of the estimate.

5. Rights and obligations of the Customer.

The Customer must provide Profession Luxury Srl with the technical documentation necessary for the realization of the goods covered by the Estimate.

Failing that, Profession Luxury Srl will have the right to refuse delivery by the Customer or, in case of acceptance, to request a further deadline for the completion of the assignment. In any case, the Customer expressly and from now on acknowledges Profession Luxury Srl the right to reproduce, disseminate and / or publish, exclusively for promotional purposes, in any form and manner, including on the website, images, videos, photographic reproductions. or any other representation relating to the assignment given by the Customer, the rights of third parties guaranteed in any case. The Customer retains full ownership of the published data, assuming all responsibility for their content, with the express exemption of Profession Luxury Srl from any responsibility and burden of verification and / or control in this regard.

The Customer is required to examine or have the goods examined without delay upon delivery at the headquarters of Profession Luxury Srl or upon receipt, expressing formal reservation in the event of lack of conformity, defects or damage, within 8 days under penalty of forfeiture.

The reservation or the complaint, in case of discovery of hidden defects, must be sent by email to the address or by certified e-mail to the address

Profession Luxury Srl will not be liable for damage caused by the transport of goods, unless otherwise agreed.

Any liability of Profession Luxury Srl for any defects or faults will result in compensation in favor of the Customer, the amount of which cannot exceed the price of the spoiled or damaged goods paid by the Customer.

Any other compensation is excluded.

6. Prices and exclusions.

The prices indicated in the Estimate are VAT excluded.

The prices indicated in the Estimate are expressly excluded:

- customs clearance and any other ancillary operation connected to it;

- customs duties and taxes;

- special packaging requested by the Customer;

- anything not expressly mentioned in the estimate. 


Once the Customer has accepted the terms indicated in the Estimate, he will have to pay the agreed price strictly in the terms and in the manner indicated in the Estimate itself or subsequently agreed in writing between the Parties.

The agreed place for payment is Bolzano Vicentino (VI) and all related costs are charged to the customer.

The terms of payment are to be considered essential, pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1457 of the Civil Code. In the event of delayed or non-payment of the consideration within the contractual terms, Profession Luxury Srl may, therefore, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 1456 of the Civil Code, request the legal termination of the relationship, with immediate effect, in addition to compensation of the greatest damage. Any tolerance of Profession Luxury Srl to the non-fulfillment of the Customer cannot in any way be considered as a waiver of the rights attributed, by law or by contract, to the non-defaulting Party.

In case of delayed payment, default interest will be due to Profession Luxury Srl (pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2002 and Directive 2000/35 / EC) and the reimbursement of all credit recovery costs without the need for formal formal notice.

Profession Luxury Srl reserves the right, at its sole discretion, if the Customer is in default or there is good reason to believe that it is not able to fulfill on time, to suspend the execution of the contract until the settlement of any unpaid Customer forfeited the benefit of the term and request the release of suitable guarantees.

8. Retention of title:

The goods covered by the Estimate and delivered to the Customer will remain the property of Profession Luxury Srl until the latter receives full payment of the same.

The Customer, therefore, authorizes Profession Luxury Srl from the acceptance of the Estimate to access the premises where the goods will be stored in order to collect them, without being able to object.

9. Place and date of delivery:

Within the term indicated in the estimate, or subsequently agreed between the Parties, Profession Luxury Srl will make available the goods covered by the Estimate as agreed in the same.

Any request for particular packaging of the goods themselves must be the subject of a specific and further agreement between the Parties.

Profession Luxury Srl is free from risk at the time of delivery of the goods to the carrier who will take care of the delivery to the customer.

The company is not responsible for non-fulfillment or delays due to force majeure. Should there be an interruption of work due to the above, the existing contract must still be considered valid and only the terms of delivery and payment will be reconciled.

10. Data processing.

Profession Luxury Srl, also pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 / EU (GDPR) and and Legislative Decree no. 101/2018 and subsequent amendments, undertakes, for himself and his collaborators, to maintain the utmost confidentiality on the data and information relating to the Customer of which he will become aware, for any reason, in relation both to the prodromal phase of the negotiations and to the execution of any Contract that it will be concluded if the Estimate is accepted. Any information relating to the activity carried out by the Customer, his assets and his staff, acquired during the performance of the service, is considered to fall within the aforementioned data and information. The Customer declares to know and have read the information for the processing of personal data published on the site "".

11. Applicable law and conventional court.

The Italian law is exclusively applicable to the contracts concluded between Profession Luxury Srl and the Customer. The governing and prevailing language in the event of any disputes regarding the interpretation and execution of these contracts is Italian. Any dispute concerning the interpretation, execution, non-fulfillment and termination of the contracts concluded between the Parties and which they are unable to settle out of court will be devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Vicenza. The application of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG 1980) is expressly excluded.


Date and Customer Signature



For express acceptance of the above and for specific approval, also pursuant to art. 1341 cc and art. 1342 of the Civil Code, of the following clauses: Art. 1 (scope of validity, also with regard to the knowledge of these GTC published on the website); Art. 2 (Conclusion of the contract); Art. 4 (Validity of the estimate); Art. 5 (Rights and obligations of the Customer, also regarding the limitations of liability and the deadline for contesting the performance); Art. 6 Prices and exclusions; Art. 7 (Payments); ; Art. 8 (Retention of title); Art. 10 (Data processing, also with regard to the knowledge of the privacy policy, the ownership of personal data and the limitations of liability for abusive use by third parties); Art. 11 (Applicable law and conventional court).


Date and Customer Signature





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General Contractor



Via Chiodo 12/E

36050 - Bolzano Vicentino

Vicenza, Italy




Telefono: (+39) 0444 350637



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